What is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG)

The goal of coronary bypass surgery is a healthy blood vessel is removed from your leg, arm, or chest and connected below and above the heart's obstructed arteries.to replace the blocked portion of the coronary  Pieces of a leg vein or a chest artery may be utlised as blood arteries, or grafts, during the bypass treatment. Another option is to use an artery from your wrist. 

The graft is attached with one end above the blockage and the other below the blockage by your doctor. To get to the heart muscle, blood travels through the new graft and around the obstruction. .

 Cardiac Surgeon in Bhopal typically creates a significant chest incision to bypass the blocked coronary artery while also momentarily stopping the heart. Your doctor will split the breastbone (sternum), which opens the chest, in half lengthwise. Your doctor exposes the heart and inserts tubes so that a heart-lung bypass machine can pump blood across the body once it has been exposed. Blood must be pumped through the bypass machine while the heart is halted.

Less invasive methods to bypass clogged coronary arteries have been developed, however classic "open heart" surgery is still often performed and frequently preferable in many instances. The 1990s saw the development of "off-pump" operations, in which the heart is not required to be stopped. 

Coronary artery bypass grafting is another name for bypass surgery (CABG).  it is the most popular kind of open-heart surgery. Most people have fantastic outcomes and enjoy a decade or longer of symptom-free living .

You will still require a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and possibly medication to prevent more blockages. obtain heart-related medical care by Heart Surgeon In Bhopal.


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